vendredi 30 juin 2006 :: English readers
The copyright bill, known as DADVSI, was voted on June 30 by the French Parliament. The following text lists some of the known problems of DADVSI, including references to the articles in the bill.
vendredi 30 juin 2006 :: English readers
Paris, 30 june 2006,
The French Parliament has voted Friday, June 30th 2006 to approve the DRM bill called DADVSI (« droit d'auteur et droits voisins dans la société de l'information »). This bill was voted by raised hands instead of the electronic voting system normally used for solemn votes of that kind. This law is both unacceptable and unenforceable. The EUCD.INFO initiative publicly notes that the government has gone to the furthest in denying democracy, by having the bill finally voted on Friday, June 30, eve of the parliamentary recess. See « What does the new French copyright bill do ? » for a list of some of the known problems of DADVSI, including references to the articles in the bill.
lundi 12 juin 2006 :: English readers
On Friday, June 9th 2006 at 3.30pm, Richard Stallman led a delegation composed by Frédéric Couchet (Free Software Foundation France) and Christophe Espern (EUCD.INFO initiative) to meet the French Prime minister. The delegation wanted to talk about the French DRM bill and give the Prime Minister a roll of paper containing the names of the 165,000 individual signatures and 1000 collective signatures (among which those of more than 200 companies such as Sun Microsystems) to the EUCD.INFO petition. Richard Stallman and his friends were held at bay by the Chief of security.